trying too hard 068: Keep Trying (but Not So Hard) I recall a coach telling his players during a conditioning session: "Find your try...and keep trying!" File that away for useful motivation when you'd rather not...try, that is. When you lose your "try" its difficult to maintain any semblance of movement or
dealing with irritation 067: There Are Pearls in Those Irritations You Face This topic might get "under-your-skin." I'm talking about life's major or minor irritations that find their way into your life and shift your emotional response into high-gear. While you'd like to avoid irritations there's actually a pearl of wisdom within
ageless 066: What Does It (Really) Mean to Be Ageless? Ageless. It's a commonly used description that does have some longevity baked-into it. Since the idea of aging is on theme around here let's unpack what it truly means to be ageless. The term gets tossed around a lot. "She looks so ageless..." "
aging well 065: My Word for the Year and How It Could Positively Impact Your Aging Journey For a few years I've selected a word for the year. It's more of a compass bearing to stay on track and help me avoid randomness in my daily life. This year's word (drumroll...) is... "Agency" No, I'm not doing
motivation 064: What to Do When You Lose Motivation as You Age There's an old, somewhat outdated book on one of my numerous book shelves throughout my house. "Success Secrets of the Motivational Superstars" I'm not suggesting that "success secrets" or "motivation" is old or outdated. I've wrestled through the
seasonal affective disorder 063: Seasonal Blahs Got You Down? I'm unapologetic (and occasionally annoying) about my love for spring/summer warmth and abundant sunshine - preferrably near or on water or relaxing with patio-time. I'm also self-aware enough to recognize that I'm a seasonal complainer - especially when the days are shorter, the
New Year goals 062: Frustrated by the Resolution Ritual? Fix Your Focus Instead Did you ever wonder why you set New Year goals or resolutions and come February (or sooner) you're back to square one? Old habits die hard, am I right? But new habits or at least the desire to change up some things in your life should at least
peace 061: Control or Peace: It's Your Choice as You Age Are you at peace because you feel in control or are you at peace when you give up control? Wrestle with that question for a moment. I don't need to remind you that life isn't always "peace on earth and goodwill toward humanity..." A
estrangement 060: Estrangement Feels Strange Because, Well, It Is There have been countless songs written about love and relationships. And many contain lyrical content something along the lines of "love hurts." If you've ever loved someone (and it's highly likely that you have and do currently love someone or a number of someones.
getting unstuck 059: Get Unstuck from Sameness It's the same-ole-same-ole. How often do you think or say that? It's likely attached to some boredom inducing reality in your life. Or it's a rut you find yourself in that you can't steer out of. It happens to the best of
gratitude 058: The Power of a Simple Thanks Thank you! Before getting into this week's brief issue I need to say that to you. "Thank you" for: * Being part of our Personal Growth and Longevity (PGL) tribe. * Reading and reflecting on each week's big ideas. * Sharing our content with others. * Having courage
holiday stress 057: Bring Your Age and Experience to the Holiday Table Ah...the holidays. I hope you realize that aging and second half living has given you your fair share of holiday experiences - good and bad I would assume. Keep in mind that you're among those who... Have raised your kids. Have a grandchild or two...or perhaps
perspctive 056: Why Not Fly Above It All? Flying. Mentioning air-travel probably brings to mind the hassle of airports, delays, security and ticketing lines, baggage-claim, and rude passengers. All things considered, I still love to fly. And here's why... Perspective! There's something about the 30,000 foot perspective when you're cruising above
find your why 055: Find Your “Why” and Keep Going Why?? The word implies a question but its way more than that. Sure, on the question side of the equation it has an existential tone. And from another vantage point (depending on your current mood) it’s synonomous with "what the...!!" (You have permission to complete that sentence
staying calm 054: How's Your Calm These Days (Or Dare I Ask)? Stress just hits different on occasion. A circumstance out of your control, the current culture climate (I'm looking at you election year), or any number of physical and emotional ambushes that seemingly lurk around the corner each day. Kinda I right!? You've heard the
setbacks 053: Why Setbacks Aren't Necessarily Setups as You Age It’s amazing how something in your life could be going downhill. In reality it could be nothing more than a momentary setback. Setbacks can often feel like setups as you age. Here's what I mean by that... I’m training for a 2025 half marathon as we
goals 052: Have You Aged Out of Setting Goals? Do you still think about goals or goal-setting? As far as personal growth is concerned, goals might still be on your radar. And if you're longevity-minded, you might need to reboot of some goals you've set aside or recently discovered. Perhaps you don't really
legacy 051: Bring Forward What You’ve Put Behind You - the Next Generation Could Use Your Wisdom Pay it forward or bring it forward. The key is forward. The topic of experience and wisdom is mentioned a lot around here. Frankly, if you're in the sweet-spot of our PGL (Personal Growth and Longevity) tribe's age range (late 40's and beyond) you&
personal growth 050: The Big 5-0!! 50 Big Ideas to Keep Going (Whatever Your Age) The "Big 5-0." You've either hit that age milestone, you will in the near or not too distant future, or it's in your rearview mirror as you're now miles down the road. As far as aging is measured, "50" is
well-being 049: Focus on Your Well-Being When You Feel Out-of-Balance as You Age Self-care gets a bad rap sometimes. Likely because some take it to extremes with too much emphasis on “self.” There’s a better way to go about it. In fact, the concept I’ll share is - for all practical purposes - a key to aging. I’m talking about
resilience 048: The 3 Rs of a Resilient Life Are you old enough to remember the 3 R's? If you're not...well, ask a parent (or someone over the age of 50). Dating back to the 19th century, the 3 Rs refer to what for all these years formed the basics of our educational system.
wisdom 047: How to Share Your Accumulated Wisdom in a Soundbite Generation "Walk with the wise and become wise;..." - Proverbs 13:20 I want my wisdom to be walk-worthy (like that biblical quote implies). How about you? Heck, we who are fully engaged in our second-half era of life have earned the right to share our walk-along wisdom. No
aging 046: Baggage Weighs You Down as You Age - Travel Lighter! Carry-on or checked? Trunk or trunk plus car-top carrier? Your preference or choice (out of necessity) says a lot about how you handle "baggage." Me...I'm a carry-on and make-it-fit-the-trunk kinda guy. I like to travel light as often as possible. Hasn't always been
personal growth 045: A 45 Day Refresher for the Growth and Longevity Minded There's no magic with the number 45. But there is a reason I choose to highlight it in this (our 45th) issue. 90-day plans...a 90-day this or that gets all the press. At this point in your life you might be weary of that span of time
aging 044: The "Sands of Time…" What Does That Even Mean as You Age? How often do you think about time? I mean really think about it. Not in terms of what the time management books and gurus would tell you about it. Though useful and frequently utilized, I'm more in tune at this point in my life with the hour-glass perspective.