065: My Word for the Year and How It Could Positively Impact Your Aging Journey

065: My Word for the Year and How It Could Positively Impact Your Aging Journey
Photo by Heidi Fin / Unsplash

For a few years I've selected a word for the year.

It's more of a compass bearing to stay on track and help me avoid randomness in my daily life.

This year's word (drumroll...) is...


No, I'm not doing a start-up.

Agency, in fact, has a deeper meaning apart from the organizational aspect.

Agency in my chosen context refers to:

The ability of an individual to take purposeful and intentional action in shaping their life and circumstances.

It involves having a sense of control over decisions, actively influencing outcomes, and being responsible for one's choices rather than passively reacting to external forces.

In essence, agency is: empowerment, self-determination, and the capacity to navigate challenges while pursuing goals."

Everything about "agency" is relevant to aging well

I'm not suggesting that you adopt my word for the year but I am encouraging you to apply some agency to your personal growth and longevity mindset and aging journey.

  • Be more intentional and purposeful instead of random
  • Take responsibility for your choices instead of passively reacting
  • Expand your capacity to navigate challenges and setbacks instead of being overwhelmed

Set your course or something else will

The thing about agency for me is realizing that I can chart my course.

That doesn't mean I'll land in favorable places 100% of the time.

It's far better to map out how you age and follow it than it is to wander around aimlessly...or worse believing that there's nothing left to explore.

Keep tabs on your life - restrict access to anyone or anything outside of your control

Your circle of influence must always be larger than your circle of control. Release yourself from responsibility for the people and circumstances that are beyond your control.

"Peace comes when you realize everything that's out of your control, should be out of your mind too." - Wisdom Words

You'll be amazed at how much energy you'll gain in your second-half era if you give up control over anyone or anything outside of your influence (notice I didn't say cease to be concerned).

Keep an eye on the horizon - look ahead to the opportunities that come with every sunrise and reflect on your day's accomplishments at every sunset

Own your past but always be looking forward. Too much of life gets wasted by living in the past.

Let every sunrise remind you of your opportunity to choose how you invest your awake-hours. And use every sunset as a moment to pause and reflect on how you used those awake-hours.

Keep your hands on the wheel - make course corrections when necessary

To be clear - agency-thinking gives you permission to be the driver rather than the passenger in your life. Be willing to shift gears or change things up on occasion.

Shape your decisions or be shaped by them

A decision is up to you until it's not.

It's vital that you assess your current situation while you have the opportunity to maintain influence over it.

  • Do your own research instead of taking everything at face-value.
  • Stay curious - its a better way to live than being stuck in status quo.
  • Own your choices because good or bad they're an education.

Survive setbacks or you'll lose hope

We've discussed this before - setbacks aren't necessarily setups as you age.

Survival, like your choices, are a great teacher.

See yourself as a survivor rather than a victim.

Hope favors survivors while victims wallow in feeling helpless.

And who needs that as you age.

If you find it helpful, I'm happy to share my word with you but more important is applying its value wherever it's useful to your aging journey

  • Set an intentional and purposeful course for your life
  • Take responsibility for your choices instead of being passive
  • Be a hope-filled survivor rather than a helpless victim

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