018: 11 Hippie-Dippie Habits for Aging Well

018: 11 Hippie-Dippie Habits for Aging Well
Photo by Merri J / Unsplash

I don't really consider myself to be purely "hippie" by definition. And until now I've never used "hippie" and "dippie" in the same sentence.

I give my youngest daughter credit for my thoughts on this topic. She made a passing comment about encouraging others to adopt some of "my hippie-dippie habits" and it got me thinking.

So...to follow is some of the unconventional, weird stuff I do that - I truly believe - is helping me age well and supports my longevity-mindeness.

For the record, I affirm these not as a scientist, physician, or psychologist. I simply toss them out into the wild where you and I live and hope you find them useful.

Your habits improve your life and longevity or they reduce its potential

You and I have habits that - good or bad - strongly influence our health and wellness, our emotions, our souls, and certainly our longevity and ability to age well.

  • Understand the power of contrarian thinking and actions
  • Be willing to do what others aren't willing to do (even it seems a bit weird)
  • Experience the freedom of taking the road-less-traveled

11 hippie-dippie actions (that I do and encourage you to do) for aging well

1-Contrarian thinking

This forms the foundation of my hippie-dippie actions. What I'm recommending doesn't necessarily fit in the "box" of what's considered normal or conventional.

Contrarian thinking will often separate you from the crowd.

But the trail-blazers are content to cut through the mass of opinions about this or that and occasionally find freedom in doing what works for them...individually!

Take a risk and begin thinking outside-the-box about your life, legacy, and longevity.

Among my best aging-well advice: be a bit more contrarian!

2-Go barefoot

I cannot think of a day that I'm not barefoot. This might be considered the most hippie thing I do.

Sure, family and friends have made fun of me (in a good way). And I actually get more mileage from the shoes that I do like wearing when I'm not barefoot.

I walk barefoot.

I do yard work barefoot.

I relax on my patio barefoot.

I work in my home studio barefoot.

I basically spend every moment of every day barefoot!

Again (per my earlier disclaimer), I'm not a podiatrist. And I realize they likely have their professional opinions about my choice.

So, why barefoot? There are numerous high-points but here are my two essentials.

  • 1-It keeps you grounded.
  • 2-Always wearing shoes and socks restricts essential toe movement. Toe-splay is healthy, could lead to less foot related issues, and can enhance your balance (an essential as you age).

Check out this resource for more bare-footing insight:

Whole Body Health Starts With Happy Feet

3-Outdoor time

Think about your average day. How many hours are you indoors at work, at home, etc compared to time outdoors breathing in some fresh, natural air?

Some of you will say - "But I have allergies...or it's too cold...or too hot...or too whatever..." I'm sympathetic to that although indoor allergens could be more of an issue than what you fear outdoors and more or less layers is a solution for temperature fluctuations.

I typically enjoy my first sips of coffee outside (barefoot on the grass, of course). In fact, it has to be extremely cold or too in-climate weather-wise for me not to breath in some fresh outdoor air before the sun rises daily.

Walk. Run. Sit. Work. However you choose to experience it - go outside more often.


I think about movement categorically. I apply daily movement in my life through some core practices.


I've used a custom-designed stand-up desk in my work long before it was even a "thing." Though I also have a task-chair, I frequently alternate between standing and sitting in my home studio during my workday.

The transition from sitting to standing prevents the sedentary damage that consistent, non-movement chair-sitting produces.

Find a solution during your workday where you can stand to do your work. Purchase a standing desk or do some creative retro-fitting to add a standing station to your current desk (it doesn't have to costly or fancy).

Stand up for phone calls or meetings (that'll keep them shorter which is probably a good thing - speaking of being "contrarian").

Take standing breaks and resist the temptation to sit as often as possible during work, conversations, and throughout your daily routines.

Floor sitting

One of the most useful and healthy Christmas gifts I received a few years ago is a meditation cushion. It's enabled me to transition (comfortably) to a floor sitting routine each day.

I spend the first minutes of each day on the floor sitting criss-cross for my prayer, scripture, and meditation disciplines.

Sit on the floor to watch tv, read, listen to music, etc.

Play on the floor with your children or grandchildren.

The added value of floor sitting for aging well: you must use essential movement to get up. The required movement from floor to standing builds strength and flexibility (even if assistance is required).


This movement practice is somewhat connected to floor sitting. When I discovered its value I've become more intentional about it.

Squatting promotes joint health, strengthens your pelvic floor, and helps build a strong core.

Use assistance as you begin. Once you develop the flexibility, strength, and muscle memory perhaps you'll be able to remain in a deep squat for longer periods of time.

Check out this resource to discover the practice and benefits of squatting:

I Want To Be Able To Squat – How Do I Start?


This movement requires little explanation. Even so, there's substantial value for taking a walk.

Take long walks or short walks.

The issue is movement.

The benefits of walking are significant.

5-Get some Vitamin-D

"Sunshine on my shoulders...makes me happy..." (thumbs-up to that John Denver song).

Time in the sun is the most natural way to get your essential dose of vitamin-D.

Vitamin-D supplements are another consistent way to bump up the benefits alongside sunshine - especially during those cloudy, sunless days or months.

As with most supplement use, consult with a medical professional before supplementing with Vitamin-D or increasing your dosage.

Vitamin-D is known to boost immunity and promote overall wellness - the fuel you need for longevity and aging well.

6-Cold water therapy

I know this is all the rage these days. But more than being trendy there are banner benefits to cold-exposure.

  • Increased immunity
  • Good for reducing inflammation
  • Mental awareness
  • Mindset training

It takes some adjustment. And you can do it as simply as cranking it to cold as you wrap up your daily shower (what I do).

  • Start slow: end your hot shower with 20 to 30 seconds in a cold water rinse.
  • Build your resistance: add more time at the end of your shower standing in cold water for up to a minute or longer (if you choose).

Trust me, the results are worth it!

A few miscellaneous, bonus habits as we wrap-up

  • 7-Drink room temperature water (at least 8 ounces) as soon as you wake-up and as you go to bed at night. Benefit: helps flush toxins and cleanses your system.
  • 8-Stimulate your mood and mind with music and books.
  • 9-Connect with your thoughts and ideas through journalling.
  • 10-Filter your inputs from news, opinions, social media, doctrines, etc.
  • 11-Develop outside-the-box interests. Learn an instrument, longboard/skate paddle (one of mine), take swimming lessons, play pickle ball, etc.

Get in touch with your inner-"hippie" and be intentional about aging well

  • Be more contrarian and less conventional.
  • It's okay to have some weird habits especially if they improve your quality of life.
  • Enjoy the freedom and views on the road-less-traveled (there's a reason there aren't traffic jams).

Thanks for sticking around a bit longer than usual. And for indulging my hippie-dippie insights - hope they're helpful.

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